Monday, 26 April 2010

The Final Push

For the final circuit we needed to include 3 things: the motors, the reed switches and the picaxe.

We made the circuit on a breadboard for easy of construction and modification in the event of a mistake being made.

Bellow is the partially constucted circuit. The reed switches are simply plugged into the board as opposed to being on extended wires. This was purely so we could see their position clearly whilst we were still configuring the layout off the breadboard.

The final circuit has both reed switches on elongated wires in order for the sensors to be postioned on the chassis closer to the ground and therefore closer to the magnetic strip.

This photo shows how the circuit is placed on the chassis. The breadboard itself creats a cover for the picaxe and motor controller. The reed switches have not yet been perminantly sealed in place on the front of the buggy.

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